
Basic Biz Listing

Original price was: $99.00.Current price is: $49.00.

Boost your local visibility and connect by listing your business in our directory. Listing in our directory puts you on the map, connects you with Southern Utah’s thriving community, and gets you noticed where it matters most! 💫



Looking to grow your business and connect with Southern Utah’s community? Listing in our directory is the perfect way to boost your local visibility and attract new customers. Whether you’re targeting locals or visitors exploring our beautiful area, our directory helps your business stand out where people are actively searching for goods, services, and experiences.

It’s more than just a listing—it’s your chance to showcase what makes your business unique, build credibility, and drive traffic straight to your door. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to grow and thrive; claim your spot today!

Business Name
Description (Maximum of 500)
Tags (Maximum of 5) *areas on the website that you show up
Social Info
Images (Maximum of 3)


Want more? Get Featured!

A Featured Listing will add the following to your listing:
Listing as Featured
✔ Free Membership to 435 Connect
✔  Social Media Shout Out
✔  Submitted to Google
✔  Strengthen Community Connection and Build Local Credibility
✔  We help you set up your listing!
✔  Lead form on listing
✔  Add more Tags to help visitors find you (Tags are how our visitors find you. We use tags to list your business in the correct guide(s) that align with your services )