Desert Sports Management

 Whom it May Concern, St George Car Shows, a subsidiary of Desert Sports Management, Inc. (DSM), a non-profit 501(c)(3) corporation, is hosting Mayhem @ Digby’s on March 23″ 2024, at Digby’s Market in St George. Mayhem @ Digby’s is a Family Fair and Car Show that will run from 10:00am to 3:00pm. It is a Fundraiser for Isaac Shakespear, a 2-year-old that was born without kidneys. DSM’s goal is to help Isaac by raising monies for a kidney transplant and rising medical & support costs. We are asking local businesses and organizations for a donation, sponsorship, or gift basket (for opportunity drawing) to help raise funds that will help Isaac. Right now Isaac is on the transplant list, waiting for a kidney. DSM, Digby’s Market and the Shakespear Family are very grateful for your consideration in these matters and are looking forward to working with you on Mayhem@ Digby’s. To help, please go to https://stgeorgecarshows.com/isaac-shakespear or feel free to contact us at desertsportsmgmt@gmail.com or (435) 632-2617.

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