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Jason Spencer real estate team stratum cedar city realtor relocation specialist moving to southern utah
Jason Spencer real estate team stratum cedar city realtor relocation specialist moving to southern utah

The Spencer Team

Helping people live their ideal lifestyle through real estate with 25 years of experience.

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Get to Know Us!

I am a licensed Realtor that believes in making long-term relationships, not just clients.  I have been helping sellers and buyers achieve their real estate goals in Cedar City for the past 25+ years.  We have streamlined the process of buying or selling a home to make it easier for you! We have built a team of industry experts to make sure you have access to local home inspectors, handymen, property managers, lending professionals, title and escrow companies, painters, gardeners, home warranty companies, and more to provide you with the best service possible!

We are dedicated to providing the most up-to-date market data in the area. Our team is made up of caring, knowledgeable professionals that work tirelessly to help you with the home buying and selling process.

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Contact Information

365 South Main Street, Cedar City, UT, USA
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365 South Main Street, Cedar City, UT, USA

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